Report from Open Space Workshops, Sat. 8.11.2003

Time Management & Closure:
- Is there any way of finishing it (Forum Session) without looking at the clock?
- Feel that the group came to the top, it should be the end, so there is no boaring parts and the feeling of the atmosphere.
- The joker should be sensible enough to feel the limits and possibilities of the audience.
- Make choice, if there is someone who wants to do specific theme, and the other people should leave after basic work.
- Make pause (break)
- More artistic scenes, because:


the joker has to be also all the time active, acting, catching the attention.
the minimum goal is to have attention of the people, interest.

- Maybe make an agreement with the audience about the time limits
- Balance of the group and individuals that have need to feel special in the group.
- Not leaving the line which the joker has in mind.
- Evaluate the forum technique by asking the audience what they think about the piece of theatre and work, that has been done (by simple action like writing on the paper or something like this).






It is better to finish and leave the audience in some kind of tension / suspense, then to let them untilæ they got boared.
Keeping it moving all the time rather than sticking to one idea. Not resolving but iffereing many solutions.
Keeping the time management yourself.

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