Monday 19. January:
"Celebration of the Baptism of St. John"
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"The Thief and the Guard"
Game taught by Anna G.


Two person represent the Thief and the Guard. A square is made, one lead the thief another leads the guard. Both with there eyes closed. Everyone else makes noise while the facilitator arrange a key bundle somewhere on the floor. Then it is up to the guard to find the thief before he/she finds the bundle of keys. The guard might have a bundle of paper to make the reach bigger. Everybody must be totally quiet during this game.
("This game will keep small boys quiet" : Anna)
"Tack Je Je kulae" - Game taught by Anna G.
One in the cicrle starts singing and acting „Je Je Kulae". Everybody follows. At one point the person points at another person in the circle. Every one else also point at this person. The person being pointed at takes over the control of the game and point then at another person and so on.
Game taught by Bistra.   Couples. One lead the other by hand touching: 1. chin, 2. shoulder, 3. hip. Then shift.
"Follow the singers/dancers" - Game. -
Two groups – one person leads/organize each group.
Each group standing in line with front against the other group.
One group is singing – the other is dancing.
The dancing group must dance to the rhythm and song from the singing group. Then shift and now the singing group must make the rhythms to the dancing group.
"The Swedish bus"
Game taught by Juan.
- One is a driver of the bus and next to him sits a person. The rest of the group sit behind these two persons. The driver decides the movements and the passengers are suppose to follow every move the driver makes. One of the passengers says "Stop". The driver stops the bus, becomes a passenger and the person next to the driver now becomes the new driver and can decide the movements and action. The person who said "Stop" will be the new person sitting next to the driver. And so on.

Game taught by Aaron.


Again a bus, no driver is needed, this game can be played with two groups being either: patients/doctors, thieves/police, criminals/prison guards. In this example patients and doctors are the theme of the game. People sit on chairs in two lines.
The story is that the files of the patients are being mixed up so nobody knows who is a patient and who is a doctor. Everybody close their eyes and the facilitator now touch the passengers who are patients. The buss has stopped in front of the mental hospital and everybody is suspicious. Everyone is now allowed to talk or act trying to find out who is who.
The facilitator ask one person two divide the passengers in two groups: patients / doctors
The facilitator in the end ask the patients to raise their hand.
Then the Open Space discussion went on. This time with the questions not being discussed the day before.
"Pussy wants a corner" – Game. -
2 divided circles. Pairs hand in hand. One person in the middle. This person walks around saying to the couples; "Pussy wants a corner" – pairs respond; "Try next door". People in the circle can individually change place if they get eye contact with someone who agrees. The person in the middle must try to become one of a pair when people are changing places.
The facilitator can at any time say: "Teddy bear": now every one in each circle, included the person in the middle, must fin a new partner.
If the facilitator says "Big Teddy bear", Everyone in both circles must find a new partner from the other circle.

"Laughing game".

Lying in a circle: everyone lying on their back, with the head on the stomach of the person next to you, the other person next to you will have his/her head on your stomach. At some point one will begin to laugh…and as we experienced for some it can be pretty hard to stop again…thanks for your big effort Sheila!