Wednesday 7. May- Just before Lunch - Opening Circle:



Name, number from 1-10, colour or anything which has importance to this description. And what one hope to gain from this workshop.
Anna place a box of candy in the middle of the circle.
A piece of candy is a little gentle "stroke" to another person and anyone can give/offer a piece of candy to someone else because you want to say "thank you" because of something this person has done or because you think this person needs a piece of candy looking sad or…Any reason is as good as anyone else.
Afternoon: 1. Training Part 1: Games
Game 1:

Game 2:
"The Cat & The Mouse"
One is it. He/she tack someone, and the person being tacked must now try to tack someone new. At the same time the person that tacked this person must try to stop he/she doing this.
A tack B - B now has to tack a new one but A must try to stop B so that B can not tack any one else.
Groups of three is standing in a line arm in arm. Two persons are not in a group. One person is cat - one is mouse. The cat is chasing the mouse. Both cat and mouse make sounds to hear who is chasing who. The mouse can at any time put his/her arm in another arm belonging to a person in a group. If the mouse chooses a person standing right in the line, the person standing in the left will become the mouse. If the cat catches the mouse the mouse will be the cat.
"Homage à Tex Avery"
If the mouse connect with the person standing right in the line the one on the left becomes a dog instead of a mouse and is now chasing the cat. The cat who is now being chased can again connect with a person in a group, and the person who is "free" will be a new dog …and so on. Again if the dog catches the cat, the cat will be the dog and will be chasing the new cat. Very important to remember the frightening sounds of the animals.

Game 3: "The Triangle"

Groups of 4. Three persons hand in hand make the form of a triangle. The person to the left decides which one he/she will try to catch/touch. The two persons not being chased must try to protect the third person being catch. Still in the form of a triangle.

Game 4: "Hide it"

Needed: A couple of socks. One person close his/her eyes and one person is given the socks. Everybody has their hands on the back. With open eyes the person being it, must try to find out which person has the socks. The person with the socks can decide to give them to someone else. Just make sure to make it as difficult as possible to find out who has the socks.
Game 5:
"Braveheart and Mr. Freeze".
One person is being choosen to be "Mr. Freeze" - he/she goes outside. The group choose a person, "Braveheart", who can unfreeze the persons, Mr. Freeze will be touching. It is important for the group to run a tactic, in order to avoid Mr. Freeze to freeze "Braveheart". The game is finish if Mr. Freeze gets to freeze Braveheart or Mr. Freeze guess which person is Braveheart.
Game 6:

The group is divided in two teams. Each team decide what to be: Giants, Wizards or Elves. Each figure has its own symbol and sound decided by the facilitator.(You can work out your own symbols). The two teams stand in a line with front to each other. The facilitator counts down from three and both groups show with symbol and sounds which figure they represent.
- Giants beat Wizards
- Wizards beat Elves
- Elves beat Giants
If the two teams shows to be, for instance, Giants and Wizards, then the persons from the Giant team will try to catch the persons being Wizards before they are running back, and these persons will now be a part of the other team. Etc..
A good game to use working with young people with much intolerance. They will have to swap back and forward - being a part of different teams all the time.
Making a Contract:
The contract in
Hebden Bridge:

- Participation / enjoyment.
- Safety, practice, silence, theory.
Listening / Concentration.

- Respect, Tolerance, Motivation, Trust.


The facilitator invites people to think about what he/she want from this group and what he/she can give to the group.
- What do you want?
- What can you promise?
- What can you offer?
Normally when we work with youngsters or kids we make the contract in the beginning. It is a collective discussion. Examples of permanent or often used items in the contract could be:
- "We need to take care of each other and allow our self being taking care of".
- "Mutual trust and respect" "Confidentiality - what happens in the room stays in the room"
At any time during this workshop anyone can write anything to the contract

Game 7:




Everyone sitting on chairs in one big circle. One person is standing in the middle without a chair. The one in the middle says a statement, which is true for himself / herself.
If the statement is true for anybody else in the circle, they must change chair. One can not go to the chair next beside you. When people changes places another person will be left without a chair, and he/she has to say a new statement.
This game can also be played with: eyes closed - walking backwards - dancing - crawling etc.
This game can be used to help people begin telling their story thinking: I am not the only one.
Game 8:


Sitting on chairs in one big circle. The facilitator divides the group into two groups - equal numbers in each group. Being 28 person the circle is divided in two groups with 14 in each group. The facilitator starts to count 1,2,3…14 - then 1,2,3…14.
Everybody gets a number from 1-14. The person sitting across you will have the same number as you.
With closed eyes both sides must try to cross the circle, find a chair in the same order so everyone keeps his/her number and has the same partners as before on both his/her left and right side.
Game 9: -
Standing in one big circle. Touch the hands of the person standing next to you on both sides in a way that you get to know them. Think of a sound your partner on each side can recognise - a sound that can be said again and again. Listen to and learn the sounds of the two persons standing next to you. Then everyone close their eyes and start to walk gently around among each other. When the facilitator says "go" everybody says their sound. By sound and feeling hands everybody must try to find the persons standing next to you. If everyone succeeds the same circle will be created.

Game 10:
"The three amigos"

One big circle. A powerful boll of energy is being send around in the circle. One person says to the person besides him/her a big and powerful "Yiiiha"…the next person then passes the energy on in the same direction with another yiiiha. You can also say, "Wow back" to change the direction of the energy. You can also point at a person across the circle and say "The three amigos". The person and the two people either side then have to sing "the three amigos". And then the person pointed to has got the energy and can pass it on.
Game 11: -
A: Standing in a circle. Go to the middle, say your name and something to describe you in connection to the first letter in your name. Everybody imitating what is being said and how it is said.
B: Still standing in a big circle going through the words: Why, Yes, No.
Any one can go to the middle and say "Why" in any way she/he likes. Everybody follows making the same sound, moves and attitude.
Coffee/Tea break - people is asked to bring a couple of socks after the break.
Smoking at Hebden House is only permitted outside

Game 12:
"A quick Joggling".

Everybody brings a pair of socks.(Does not have to be clean but it is highly recommended!)
One big circle. One pair of socks - The facilitator starts by throwing a couple of socks to someone else in the circle. This person pass the socks on and raise his / her right arm in the air, so everyone can tell that this person cannot receive the socks again. You can only throw the socks to a person that has not yet been receiving. In that way every one will be both receiving the socks and passing them on to someone. The socks ends at the facilitator, who starts the game on more time. Everybody must throw the socks in the same order as before, only that now more socks are in play. This time, do not raise your arm. More socks are in play, so the whole time every person has a pair of socks either to catch or throw. In theory the group can play with as many pairs of socks as there are people in the circle. Try it. This game needs concentration!
"Using the circle
in practice."



Anna asked us to remember the power of the circle. The circle must at all time be used with care. The idea behind a circle is that everybody is on the same level: everyone can see each other and nobody is left out.
The theory of the circle is being presented to the group by doing the circle in practice. Practice is allways stronger and better than theory alone. Anyone can at any time say that he/she wants to pass.
Different subjects are shared, each time every one must say name, number:
1. Subject: What would you like to eat right now?
2. Subject: The first kiss, who and where?
3. Subject: Your earliest memory?
Doing this the facilitator choose to go from level to level.

Game 13:



In this exercise only the facilitator can speak and will be giving the orders: People walk around among each other. The facilitator asks people to make groups - different number of people.
This can also be done making groups with different "match" for instance; colour of eyes, age etc. Also the groups can make different sculptures for instance; a car, an animal. It can be done with being allowed to speak or not.
The facilitator can also ask people in the groups to talk about different subjects. Or ask the group of people to make the shape of an animal. The other groups must try to guess what animal have been produced/created.
Game 14: -
Then the facilitator ask people to walk around and when he/she says "go" people must touch for example:
A) one person with your right foot, one person with your nose, one person with your left hand.
B) The letter G, something yellow, somebody else's knee....and so on.
Game 15:
"Jay, jay ku-lae"
- One leads and everyone follows moves and ways of singing the lyrics.
Jay, jay ku-lae
Jay mor-fi-sa
Cor-fee sa-lan-ga
Tja-ka sa-lan-ga
Qu A-Dale.
Qu A-Dale.
Qu A-Dale.

Hebden House is serving
very nice vegetarian food