ECU-Net-Project: Focus-Group Planning-Meeting
5-10.11.2002 in Fredensborg, Denmark (news about ECU-Net-Project )

During 2003 Arttrain will together with AEDO, CAPE, MJC Montluçon and Theatr Fforwm Cymru implement the training part of ECU-Net-Project, which will be the interactive, empowering forum theatre provided by Theatr Fforwm Cymru from Wales.

5-10. November, 20 people from South East Europe, 10 from EU and 2 from the Baltic countries met in Fredensborg near Copenhagen to function as a focus-group, which is assisting with recruiting of participants, implementation, evaluation and mainstreaming of the project.
Short description from Anto Liivat, VAT Teater. Tallinn, Estonia

The program included, among other things, the following:

1) Bo Otterstroem from Arttrain made an introduction to ECU-Net-Project, Arttrain and Drums for Peace-network.

2) Gill Dowsett and Iwan Brioc from Theatr Fforwm Cymru in Wales, who will be responsible for the training, made small “appetizers” of forum- and image theatre.

3) Poliksena Kostova and Yavor Yanov from Theatr Tsvete from Sofia gave examples of their work.

4) Workshop with Middle East music.

5) Discussions and brainstorming about possible youth-exchanges.

6) Visits at social- and educational organisations.

7) Sight-seeing in Copenhagen and to Kronborg, the castle of Hamlet.